What changes in behavior make happy. Five healthy habits

What changes in behavior make happy. Five healthy habits
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Today, 11:30
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Ukraine on the 138-th place in the ranking of happiness.
According to polls, 53% of the population of Ukraine consider themselves happy. In the world rankings of happiness, our country ranks 138 position.
A rating is published annually by “a Network of solutions for sustainable development” under the auspices of the UN.
“Snidanok z 1+1” has identified five healthy habits that can make you happier in one month according to Time magazine.
1. Drink more water.
This is the most useful and simple tip that will improve your health. One glass in the morning will relieve the body of toxins accumulated during the night will give you energy and speed up metabolism. However, it is important to find your limits.
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2. Make time for others.
Volunteering can be diverse – from protecting the environment to helping others. Even a little support or communication can radically change a person’s life that needs it.
3. Meditate.
More and more scientists and doctors are convinced that meditation improves mood, relaxes the body, leading thoughts in order and simply makes people happier. If you are not yet ready to try to sit in silence a few minutes a day is also helpful.
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4. Get rid of junk.
Struggle with unnecessary things will make you more happy. Maybe the mess in the apartment, on the balcony or the workplace through a large number of unnecessary items? Make a General cleaning and throw or give things you do not use. At first it will be difficult, but in the end you will feel relieved, this procedure will free the life of junk.
5. Record.
Should get into the habit of more to write. Easy way to become more organized and focused is to take notes. Psychologists say that the list frees the brain from unnecessary information and allows you to focus more on performing tasks. You can also record dreams and ideas, so they are not lost among the daily information.
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