Lutsenko announced “unprecedented corruption in Ukraine”, the slogan of Russian propaganda

Lutsenko announced “unprecedented corruption in Ukraine”, the slogan of Russian propaganda
Yesterday, 21:50
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This statement the Prosecutor made to the UN.
The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko spoke at the UN General Assembly. The official had a word in the high-level debate dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the adoption of the anti-corruption Convention, says the story TSN.19:30.
In his speech he highlighted the achievements of Ukraine in recent years – to such the attorney General related to the electronic Declaration, 1700 accused of corruption of officials and a return to budget half a billion dollars. Lutsenko also expressed hope that the law on anti-corruption court in the near future will be adopted by Parliament.
Videouri Lutsenko told about the achievements of Ukraine in the fight against corruption in recent years
The Prosecutor General of Ukraine addressed the General Assembly of the UN at the high-level debate dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the Convention against corruption. In his speech he highlighted the achievements of Ukraine in recent years, electronic Declaration, 1700 accused of corruption of officials and a return to budget half a billion dollars.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:19
“The slogan of the unprecedented corruption in Ukraine is a tool to counter the Russian information war in the world. Therefore, today’s international meeting is one of the ways to convey accurate – not slogans, not intentions, and the achieved facts that Ukraine has made”, – said the head of the GPU.
See also:
Parubiy said that Rada may finally adopt a law on anti-corruption court
As reported, the press Secretary of the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko Larisa Sargan posted on the social network Facebook photo of their chief, who sits in the hall of the airport in the Turkish Istanbul.
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