Food Ukrainians: an excess of bread and potatoes and malnutrition of meat and fruit

Food Ukrainians: an excess of bread and potatoes and malnutrition of meat and fruit
Yesterday, 22:50
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European and American food standards are far from ordinary citizens.
One in four Ukrainians forced to save on food, and this testifies to the low standard of living in the country. In General, the citizens spend on products approximately 30-50% of their income, the rest falls on utilities, daily expenses, and the savings become at best 15% of salary, according to a story TSN.19:30.
“The more people spend on food, especially a poor country” – says Director of the Association of retail suppliers Oleksiy Doroshenko. For comparison: on food in the European Union spend 8-25% of earnings. Most of all in Latvia and Lithuania – quarters of the income, whereas in Poland it is 15%, Germany 11% and Luxembourg 8%.
Videocracy spend on food half of his wages
The average salary in the country is slightly more than 8,000 hryvnia. Over 50% of Ukrainians give to the products. If we add cigarettes and alcohol – will have to pay 60% of earnings. During the year, the food increased in price by more than 17%.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:09
“If in developed countries consume more services related to recreation, education, entertainment, we have the lion’s share is eating away” – says an expert on entrepreneurship Andrew Zablovsky.
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However, it is better to eat the Ukrainians were not in the diet increased the bread and potatoes, and for the year food rose in price by more than 17%. “The consumption rate for meat – 90 kg of meat per capita per year. Ukrainians eat 50 kg, the Europeans of the order of 89 kg, the Americans 120 kg per capita,” – said the Director of the economic discussion club Oleg Penzin. A similar trend and a fruit: if Europeans consume 100 pounds per year, Ukrainians have mastered only half.
The main food for most people are eggs, milk, bread and potatoes. These products is the cheapest way to fill the stomach.
The TSN reporter Mariam Hovhannisyan
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