Kyiv schoolboy modernize the legendary cake and earn a lot of money on baking Goodies

Kyiv schoolboy modernize the legendary cake and earn a lot of money on baking Goodies
Today, 02:04
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Guy dreams of a candy business, and his achievements are recognized by experienced cooks.
15-year-old student from Kiev Eugene iwaniec opened his own business and now spends all his free time in the kitchen with dough, caramel and chocolate. He bakes sweets and earn money, says the story TSN.19:30.
The man usually does this after school, but it does happen, that is. He has already mastered the caramel eclairs, tartlets with exotic mango, berries marshmallows, a croquembouche and other fancy desserts. On this 9-grader already has an income of 7 thousand hryvnia per month.
Видео15-year-old Zhenya from Kiev earns desserts to 7 thousand hryvnia per month
Student from Kiev Eugene Ivantsov has his own business – bakes to order. To earn the teenager began two years ago and now spends all his free time in the kitchen with dough, caramel and chocolate. In order to get the orders ready to Wake up at 4 am.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:42
It all started with washing dishes and other trivial help in the kitchen, which taught the boy’s parents. Subsequently, Jack tried to prepare himself, and the last two years exclusively engaged in the confectionery business. When the student realized that the family simply does not have time to eat it works, then suffered sweet to the masses. “Walked to a cafe, offered to buy my dessert: Hello, I am 12 years old, I cook desserts, don’t want to buy from me?” – talks about his start from Kiev.
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Most institutions were not willing to trust young talent, so Jack began to work for themselves. The first customers were my dad’s colleagues, later joined word of mouth and it went up. Young chef kneads dough under French songs – beautiful music releases the imagination and allows you to experiment. The young man even modernized Kiev cake recipe. “Removed butter cream, knocked the egg yolks with sugar syrup, in cakes added hazelnuts”, – he said.
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Dad gave my son a course at the culinary Academy, the art guy also studied video lessons in YouTube. Famous chef Tatiana Verbitskaya gave his pupil a good recommendation. TSN persuaded her to make an anonymous order, and the pastry chef delivered it to the address. The verdict of the specialist was positive: “Well, very well turned out”. The teenager then admitted that he did not worry so much yet never in my life. High score only inspired him to further increase the vacations he plans to spend in the kitchen.
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Does not surprise bloggers who earn tens of millions of dollars a year, posting video walkthroughs for computer games, prank friends and unpacking toys. TSN found the first grader of Armenika of Hosapattana, which earns thousands of dollars a month in Instagram. And, if necessary, in its seven years – could easily support a family.
The TSN reporter Liudmila Badalyan
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