In the river died in hospital two wounded in the Donbass military

In the river died in hospital two wounded in the Donbass military
© Reuters
The war in the East
Today, 08:44
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Both fighters APU injured last week.
In the river in the regional hospital named after Mechnikov from the received wounds in the Donbass died two Ukrainian soldiers.
See also:
In the Donbas were injured two Ukrainian military
About this on his page in Facebook said Advisor to the Chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk regional state administration Tatiana Guba.
“Today (may 31 – ed.) at the regional hospital Mechnikov stopped the hearts of our heroes : Yuri Dovganik , 47, received a shrapnel wound during an enemy attack on 22 may, the 24th brigade; Konstantin Granov, 34, sustained a gunshot wound to the head from an enemy sniper may 27, 92 brigade. Eternal memory to the fallen heroes!” – stated in the message.
Very painful … Today at the regional hospital Mechnikov stopped the hearts of our Heroes : YURI DOVGANIK , 47 years old ,…
Posted by Tatyana Lip 31 may 2018.
She also expressed condolences to the families and friends of the victims of fighters of VSU.
See also:
The military says the recent shelling of Gorlovka by the provocation of the great fire
We will remind, for the past day, may 31, Donbas militants 26 times fired at positions Armed forces of Ukraine and settlements. In seven cases, they used banned weapons – mortars of calibres of 120 mm and 82 mm artillery caliber of 122 mm. as a result of shelling, three Ukrainian soldiers were injured.
Videoroliki on the front line are firing mortars and artillery at Ukrainian troops
Most intensively in the Crimean, Zaytsevy and Novotroitsk. In the seaside sector of the front under enemy fire hit Chermalyk and Hnutove. Two Ukrainian soldiers were injured.
TSN. 12:00
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