Shot down by night in Kiev, the car of a train 13-year-old boy is still in surgery

Shot down by night in Kiev, the car of a train 13-year-old boy is still in surgery
Today, 08:42
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The guy crossed the road with a Bicycle at a marked crosswalk.
13-year-old boy, who the day before had hit the motorcade in a residential district of Kiev, is still in surgery.
According to the parents, the child has numerous fractures and bruises. Downed the boy is in the Metropolitan hospital Center. This is stated in the plot of TSN.Ranok.
The boy was crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing and carried with him a Bicycle when he was hit by a police car. Witnesses claim that the car raced ahead of the official motorcade. The boy flew 30 meters.
The police confirmed that was driving employees of the interior Ministry, which carried out a special mission. What is not said.
In the presidential Administration involvement in the tuple object.
Videobruce two hours operate on a boy who was hit by a police car
The accident occurred in one of the residential districts of the capital. The child was hospitalized in serious condition. The child suffered broken legs, arms, collarbone, head trauma. Now more than two hours of continues operation.
TSN. Wounds
Today, 08:27
Videomedia managed to stabilize the condition of a child injured during an accident in Kiev
The accident occurred in one of the residential districts of the capital. The child was hospitalized in serious condition. The child suffered broken legs, arms, collarbone, head trauma. Now more than two hours of continues operation.
TSN. Wounds
Today, 09:20
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