In Kiev, revealed a unique movie during which the audience decided the fate of the characters

In Kiev, revealed a unique movie during which the audience decided the fate of the characters
Today, 10:59
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The audience in real-time at the writers
When the viewer decides what happens with the actors during the film. In Kiev, in the framework of the festival “Youth” showed a unique movie. With the help of special programs, audience voting, and the screen instantly appears episode in which the elected majority. People depend on everything – even the nature of the protagonist. Ukraine became the first state that saw an interactive movie, after the shows in the homeland of the authors, Britain and Switzerland, said in a story TSN.19.30.
An open air cinema on the capital’s Trukhaniv island, and even where mobile phones please do not disable, but rather, not to hide during viewing. The producer of the film “Night shift” Eid Aces in such conditions presents his own creation for the first time.
“Never on the beach. I even wrote to the partners – represent, today we are in the sand,” says Eid.
While the audience set the loungers and sit back, Kurban helps the journalists of TSN download a program that will make the audience participants in the story of the film. On the black screen will appear with the scenarios.
Video settings the framework of the festival “Youth” first showed an interactive movie
When the viewer decides what happens with the actors during the film. In Kiev, in the framework of the festival “Youth”, showed a unique movie. With the help of special programs, audience voting, and the screen instantly appears episode in which the elected majority. People depend on everything – even the nature of the protagonist.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:35
“The majority decides what happens next in the film. Not what – to go left or right, and a psychological choice. Protect her, or leave her,” says the producer.
Throughout the film the audience has to make a choice a hundred and fifty times. The result is six hours of prepared material be approximately seventy minutes on the screen. They are different every time as the taste of the audience. The Thriller tells the story of an English student Matt, who was involved in the bloody criminal history. How bloody also depends on the audience.
“We really liked those books from the eighties where you have made the choice of where to go, and turned to the appropriate page. The ability to write your own story captured us and we decided to put her in the movies,” says the man.
It is interesting to the audience. Movie starts. Questions appear on the screens of smartphones every minute. The choice of the Ukrainians to the English characters do not always like. The audience loved it.
The back of the audience how events develop, he observes Eid. Says the Ukrainians it was a nice surprise. So positive is he your hero has never seen.
“Viewers now choose the most heroic version. They force him to fight. They make a good choice – not in favor of evil,” boasts Eid.
To stop the authors of the interactive movie is not going to. The plan is to make a film about love, where, in fact, who love the main character will address the audience.
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