In Kiev subway is not missed student NUC with disabilities

In Kiev subway is not missed student NUC with disabilities
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The sophomore, who moves on crutches and can’t go through the normal turnstile, said that he is constantly having problems with one of the workers of the station.
Student of KNU. Shevchenko with disabilities reported by TSN.iathat he was not allowed on the subway station “University”, even though he had Kievite’s card and certificate of disability, which entitles them to free travel on the subway.
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Nazar Prokopenko finishing the second course of the historical faculty of KNU. Shevchenko, and for two years in a row goes to the Red building, going to the metro station “University”. The guy said that during this time, he remembered all the controllers on the station and all help. It has problems only with Svetlana T., who did not give him safely pass through the turnstile on the evening of may 30.
“Many times I have written complaints about this controller, appealed to the hotline, but to no avail. Such incidents with me again only when she’s on shift,” says Nazar.
According to Nazar, he had all the necessary documents with his photograph which he showed to the controller. Despite this, the controller Svetlana T. refused Nazar assistance with the passage through the turnstile.
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TSN. Wounds
30 may, 08:29
The fact that Nazar is walking with a crutch and he found it difficult to pass through the regular turnstiles, which are too narrow for him. Therefore, he puts the card from Kiev to one of ordinary turnstiles, and is already in the passage, near which stands the controller.
That night, when the guy tried to pass in a familiar way, So he was stopped, forced to pass through the turnstile, where he had a card. Then Nazar asked her to deactivate the turnstile so he could shut and he’s not stuck in it. According to him, the woman refused, already putting forward a new argument – say, the Kievite’s card, which he used, not his. In the end, So sent him to buy a token.
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In turn, the press service of the Kiev metro refuted the statement of the guy that he was making the controller its identity.
“Specified passenger 30 may did not show the preferential controller ID, which is in accordance with the legislation entitles you to free travel. After paying for it, another passenger missed controller implemented via manual control”, – said Advisor to the head of the Metropolitan and head of the information centre Natalia Makagon.
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At the same time in the capital’s subway has not confirmed nor denied previous appeals Prokopenko with complaints of the controller Svetlana T.
Note that this is not the first case in the subway station “University”, which gets in the media. So, in April 2017 employees of the station in rude form refused to pass a blind person with a guide dog. Then the man called the police and published a photo report about the incident on his page in Facebook.
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