Director of the NABU Sytnik got a prescription from NACP

Director of the NABU Sytnik got a prescription from NACP
Today, 10:24
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The anti-corruption Bureau has not provided the documentation.
The national Agency for prevention of corruption has made the instruction to the Director of the National anticorruption Bureau of Ukraine Artem Sytnik. All due to the fact that officials of the NAB failed to comply with legal requirements of the NACP.
It comes to the judges of District administrative court of Kiev. Their lawyers complained on NABOO in the NACP. We are talking about a possible violation of a detective NABU E. A. by panajotovym and the head of the Head unit detectives A.V. Kaluzinski the requirements established in article 28 of the law “On corruption prevention”, the prevention and settlement of conflict of interests.
The lawyers argue that at the direction of his head detective of NABOO began pre-judicial investigation in criminal proceedings against judges of District administrative court of Kiev. Applicants believe that when entering information into the Unified register of pre-judicial investigations, ensure the organization and conduct of pre-trial investigation in criminal cases, these officials acted in conflict of interest. Supposedly, they were guided by personal motives related to the refusal of judges of the Metropolitan District administrative court to provide information requests to the NEB, and the desire to exert pressure on judges to achieve more loyal to their positions by the cooperation with the national Bureau.
See also:
Sytnik complained that the SBU “merges” information about listening detectives NABOO
NACP, to confirm or refute the statements of the lawyers, judges, have repeatedly appealed to the NEB for an explanation and appropriate documents relative positions and powers of a detective and his supervisor, their role in the pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings against judges. In NACP noted that contrary to the provisions of the fourth paragraph of article 12 of this law, authorized persons of the internal control Department of NABOO G. S. Osipchuk and M. A. Patin failed to comply with legal requirements of the NACP and did not provide relevant information and documents.
In order to Sitnik this requirement to correct violations of legal requirements and employees NABOO NACP has provided the requested information, and also conducted an internal investigation.
Videopregnancy and Sytnik reported in the Verkhovna Rada of the dissension between the departments
The head of NABOO not only admitted that he heard anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office of Nazar Golodnitsky, but also shared them with the members. “Bugs” that were in the aquarium, head to Sapa for a few weeks, fixed a lot of dirt.
TSN. 19:30
4 APR, 19:58
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