Born in the helmet: Ukrainian military one millimeter missed death from a sniper’s bullet

Born in the helmet: Ukrainian military one millimeter missed death from a sniper’s bullet
The war in the East
Today, 01:13
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A soldier said that at first did not understand what happened.
Born in the helmet – so now talking about the military, which from the enemy’s bullets saved his ammunition. The soldier himself said that by the inconceivable salvation was convinced in the existence of God, says the story TSN.19:30.
“Seen through binoculars, turned his head and shot. Fell, did not understand what happened,” says Dennis about his experiences. The soldier examined the helmet and saw that the bullet from the rifle went in and out through it in millimeters from the head. Sister Sergei says shoot not local self-taught, skilled Russian snipers. “We in 2014 are the snipers of the Komi Republic”, – says the fighter APU.
The aim videodokument inflammatory ammunition at the civilian houses in Marinka
On the streets of Marinka, which are closest to the frontline, every day something arrives. Local once again not go into the street even when it seems quiet. In the yards of most homes are abundant in greens, but not life. Black cherry and ripe mulberry fall to the ground, collect them there is nobody.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:07
The enemy is near Marinka aims at loopholes soldiers from bullets, and civilian homes to fly the incendiary ammo. After fighting the courts bypasses minesweeper Anatoly, who will clear of mines that threatens civilians. “Was that found LNG the arrival of Voga come,” he says. From the orchard of Vladimir Nikolayevich unexploded munitions engineers made the day before, but once again on the street the pensioner does not leave, even when it seems quiet. “How much you shoot, then drink more, as less fire – less drinking. Stop drinking – start pill to swallow” – he said.
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Miracles happen: the phone stopped a Russian bullet that could have killed the Ukrainian soldier on the front lines OOS
Pills deaden physical pain, but internal. The man lives with his wife on a pension, and is glad that the volunteers were blocked after the attacks on the roof. To go from a dangerous home them nowhere, and not live for nothing. In the street where a pensioner is now almost the last of the indigenous population. Black cherry and ripe mulberry fall to the ground in the yards, but to collect them there is nobody – all who could get away from front.
The TSN reporter Ruslan Yarmolyuk
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