From 500 to 1500 UAH: how lay parents of graduates for the feast of the children in the restaurants of Kiev

From 500 to 1500 UAH: how lay parents of graduates for the feast of the children in the restaurants of Kiev
Today, 04:52
Prices are determined range, location of the institution and service to the parents.
On prom night in schools most of the restaurants of Kiev are already booked. Workers are preparing for the profits and losses, says the story TSN.19:30.
“Drunk much. The wall gets a foot in the toilet broke. Flowers broke,” say the restaurateurs and added: “This event is unusual, it is the youth, her look and should look”. Yuri – the brand-chef of the elite schools in the capital, the popularity of which explains the favorable location and the convenience of meeting dawn. The customers the restaurant offers salads with shrimp, guacamole, bruschetta, fish on the fire, and the Asian dumplings, which are cooked in the pan. On the graduate’s table without alcohol will pull in one and a half thousand hryvnias, and swing on this format are not all – mainly residents of the Central areas, the students of private schools.
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Most restaurants in the capital have already been booked, although according to statistics, graduates in 2018, much less than in previous years. TSN checked how much give the parents of the graduates in the center and on the outskirts of Kiev to their children celebrated the farewell to school.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:43
The average bill of a graduate from the suburbs three times less and to save money, but is well celebrated in the capital began to take off the special areas to celebrate – there is crockery, DJ mixer, bubbles, metafan. But food graduates bring themselves, and in this format that’s about five hundred hryvnia per person. “They order a pizza, some drinks, alcohol – all”, – explained the character of his supporters. Alcohol, says the owner of the establishment, the prom is always there, but the parents, in contrast to the expensive restaurants, children are not looking. But in the following order camera the administrator and security. In the past year, there were reports of violations: “the Grapes were flying constantly as I could. All unruly guests are sent from home.”
See also:
The digital world annually kills three thousand professions. What specialty choose graduates
As previously reported, the prom dresses are already the heads of the girlswho graduate, and their parents. Prices on baby clothes are now quite adults.
The TSN correspondent Natalia Goncharova
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