The details of the incident with the plane at Kiev and the explosion in the capital. Five things you might oversleep

The details of the incident with the plane at Kiev and the explosion in the capital. Five things you might oversleep
© Department of communication of national police of Ukraine
Today, 06:57
Tsne offers five main events of the night.
Five things you could have slept:
1. Thursday evening, 14 June at 20:40, the airline company Bravo, flying 4406 Antalya – Kiev UR-CPR during the landing was rolled out for the runway. On Board were 169 passengers – none of them was hurt. All passengers were evacuated. Read more⇒
2. At the airport “Kiev” in the name of Sikorsky aircraft during the landing fell on the right wing began to smoke, some bit of the seat belts. At this time it rained hard, but was cleared to land. The stewardess told the passengers not to move, but the passengers began to run out of the plane that has already landed. Then had almost 30 minutes to wait for the bus that took passengers to the terminal. This was stated by the passengers. Read more⇒
3. Airport “Kyiv” name Sikorski (“Zhulyany”) on Friday, June 14, at 23:35 resumed its work after the incident with the departure of the passenger aircraft outside of the runway. Read more⇒
4. In the course of the traditional briefing by the press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders responded to a journalist’s question regarding the publication of the publication BuzzFeed about the sayings of Donald trump about the Crimea and Ukraine, reports TV channel ABC. In particular, the us President said that “Crimea is Russian because its residents speak Russian.” Read more⇒
5. The condition of three girls who were injured during the explosion of a car in Kiev – moderate severity. In the hospital “OKHMATDYT” they did the surgery. The boy who was injured the most, is in the operations Department, he is in a coma. Read more⇒
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