The owner “Volga”, which exploded in Kiev, still not charged

The owner “Volga”, which exploded in Kiev, still not charged
© Department of communication of national police of Ukraine
Today, 17:15
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Doctors continue to fight for the health of the injured children
Explosive trap was meant for thieves, and mutilated children. The details of yesterday’s explosion in Kiev, during which injured four children, from five to 11 years, told the Ministry of internal Affairs. It turns out that this stretch in your car set the owner of “Volga” to teach potential thieves, says TSN.16.45.
Meanwhile, for the lives of the victims, the doctors are still fighting. Alexander – mother of eight-year-old Vlad. Just came from a wounded daughter.
“There are three fragments in the dynamics, while touching them will not, it is weak,” says the woman.
Three girls and a boy treats a whole team of doctors “Okhmatdet.” Attracted and military surgeon. In the projections the doctors are extremely careful. The condition of three girls – stable. But 5-year-old Pavlik is extremely heavy cherepno-a brain trauma. Shrapnel in both eyes.
Small fragments in the brain the doctors do not even try to get it – it’s too dangerous. But a few visible fragments of tin plate for 3-5 mm over the police. The doctors say they are like pieces of a box of tea. The police version is somewhat different.
Videobruce still fighting for the lives of the children injured in the explosion in Kiev
The details of yesterday’s explosion in Kiev, during which injured four children, from five to 11 years, told the interior Ministry. It turns out that this stretch in your car set the owner of “Volga” to teach the thieves. When he learned that his membership of the traumatized children, started to run away. For the lives of the victims, the doctors fought all night. What are their chances to survive and where zaklada of explosives – further into the plot.
TSN. 16:45
Today, 16:59
“Previously, the scene seized several fragments from grenades RGD-5, but it will finally say explosion-technical examination, which is designed. But first there is a fact,” say the police.
The mother of the victim and at the same time Vlada sister Pavlik adds to the intrigue. According to Vlada, the day before the explosion, 12-year-old boy warned his smaller neighbors of the danger.
“Whether from a moped or Bicycle key he opened the door. Nastia and the girl the boy said: “do Not go, there the bomb.” The joke is not a joke – unknown,” – said the mother of the child victim.
And after the explosion of teenagers like laughing with injured children.
The ill-fated “Volga” is without movement for several years. Its owner, a former military mobilized atoms, he left Kiev a few days ago. The interior Minister said, the man planted the explosives to teach potential thieves. Police say a man interviewed in one of regional departments of the region. Charges he did not put forward.
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