As shaking the plane during landing. The Network has posted another video of the incident at the airport “Kiev”

As shaking the plane during landing. The Network has posted another video of the incident at the airport “Kiev”
© Rostislav danyleiko / “Ukrainian truth”
Yesterday, 22:55
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On Board were 169 passengers, as a result of incident nobody has suffered.
There is a new video of a hard landing of the aircraft, which on June 14 carried out flight №4406 Antalya – Kiev. Most likely due to rain the plane during landing slid off the runway. On Board were 169 passengers, all alive, but some suffered injuries – injuries.
See also:
All said goodbye to each other and waited for death. The passenger spoke about the “fall” of the plane at the airport “Kiev”
Video first seen on Kiev on top. When the plane sits on the ground, the cabin, the passengers start to clap joyfully. But suddenly the aircraft starts to shake, Luke shows that the left wing already sparks when touching on the runway. Among the passengers starts to panic, heard the cries. The plane stops and again applause. “Take the documents”, says a male voice-overs.
Recall, 14 June, 20:40 aircraft Bravo flight 4406 Antalya-Kiev UR-CPR during the landing was rolled out for the runway. It was accepted the decision on closing the airport “Kiev” for five hours.
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