More than a hundred passengers, the second day can not fly from Kiev to Antalya

More than a hundred passengers, the second day can not fly from Kiev to Antalya
© Denys Lukachovych / Facebook
Today, 20:43
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They would have to sit on the same Board that was in an accident on Thursday evening.
The second day hundreds of people from different corners of Ukraine can not fly to Antalya from the airport “Kiev”. Are the passengers of the plane that made an emergency landing at the airport named Sikorsky, says the story TSN.19:30.
Under the weather Board has not coped with the storm and rain and was rolled out for the runway. 169 passengers with abrasions and bruises in a state of shock, but alive.
Videostore day hundreds of people are unable to fly to Antalya from the airport “Kiev”
Hundreds of people the second day from different corners of Ukraine can not fly to Antalya from the airport “Kiev”. Are the passengers of the plane which made an emergency landing at the airport named Sikorsky. Under the weather Board has not coped with the storm and rain and had rolled on the runway. 169 passengers with abrasions and bruises in a state of shock, but alive. Since yesterday, passengers remained at the airport, now they were accommodated in hotels.
TSN. 19:30
Today, 20:38
Since yesterday, passengers that the same Board would have to fly to Turkey remained at the airport, now they were accommodated in hotels. The tour operator promises that in Antalya, people still fly in the near future, but vacationers do not hide their irritation. “We were just lunch. We took holidays from work, want to rest, but I can’t. We go walking a whole day in Kiev. Who is all going to compensate? Today at the airport “Zhulyany” a lot of people waiting with children” – outraged one of the tourists.
See also:
The passenger removed the hard landing of an aircraft at the airport “Kiev”. Videos TSN
As reported before, the passengers side from Antalya to Kiev, which made a hard landing at the Kiev airport during a thunderstorm on Thursday, complain to the airline and airport staff. But the administration “Jules” considers the work of evacuation of people satisfactory and explains claims shock people.
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