Eating for happiness: how many in Kiev can be lauded by nutritionists products

Eating for happiness: how many in Kiev can be lauded by nutritionists products
Today, 02:14
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Products containing is required for a good mood substances that are not too expensive.
World nutritionists published a list of productsthat contribute to the activation of hormone happiness. There are fruits, vegetables, spices and seafood, says the story TSN.19:30.
The journalists decided to invite the famous traveler Dmitry Komarov to the market to check whether all of the list is on the Ukrainian counters, and to count how much will cost one lucky day on the domestic prices.
Videots and Dmitry Komarov tried to find the capital products that activates the hormone of happiness
World nutritionists published a list of products that contribute to the activation of hormone happiness. There are fruits, vegetables, spices and seafood. TSN invited the famous traveler Dmitry Komarov to the market to check if everything is from the list available on the Ukrainian counters, and to count how much will cost one lucky day.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:49
Each of the products that improve health, there are vitamins that affect the revitalization of the happiness hormone in the body. The list includes nuts – fatty acids in pistachios, for example, improve mood. You can acquire exotic macadamia nut for 1300 UAH, but enough for the usual walnuts.
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Avocado is 50 UAH and is a source of folic acid, which prevents depression. Specialist gives advice: dark avocado always tastes better. Banana got a list of happiness due to vitamin B6 and the amino acid – they are directly responsible for the production of serotonin, a hormone good mood. One banana is 8-10 UAH. “I want to tell you that in Asian countries, the African, I have had the experience that I, for one dollar I bought a bundle that is barely raised,” recalled Mosquitoes.
200-gram dose of strawberries will make happy in just 17 USD. Chili pepper, thyme empty the purse not yet 20, and still the list is beets, folic acid, which is an antidepressant. Also, according to the world nutritionists, necessary for the happiness of seafood – a good piece of tuna will cost 70 UAH. But the chocolate, though, and is on the list, Ukrainian nutritionists suggest not to drink, because the stimulation of the hormone of happiness will affect only cocoa beans and sugar is harmful to happiness.
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The products of happiness for the day cost 180 UAH. However, Dmitry Komarov says that happiness is actually in that love. “Durian – the smelly fruit in the world. It tastes like a creamy dessert, and the smell of him – the sewers. For me there is nothing tastier,” he admits.
The TSN correspondent Natalia Goncharova
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