Ukrainians before July 1 will receive notification of the amount of property tax

Ukrainians before July 1 will receive notification of the amount of property tax
Today, 20:58
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Tax must be paid within 60 days.
The state fiscal service of Ukraine till July 1, will send the citizens of Ukraine notification of the amount of property tax.
This is stated on the SFS website.
Together with the notification of the amount of tax which must be paid within 60 days come receipt with the payment details.
Rates and tax benefits on a property is determined by local councils, however, the legislation determines the minimum preferential area of non-taxable property. For apartments 60 square meters, regardless of their number, houses – 120 square meters of houses, for different types of real estate (house and apartment) – 180 square meters.
The preferential area of apartments may not be more than 300 square meters of homes – 600 square meters. Benefits do not apply to property which is used by the owners for profit: for lease, doing business.
The state fiscal service reminded that in 2017 due to the increase in the minimum wage to 3200 hryvnia twice reduced the maximum tax rate – from 3% to 1.5%.
The Department also noted that on June 1 of the current year in local budgets from individuals received more than 132 million UAH of taxes. Last year on this date, a rate four times lower – about 30 million UAH, said the SFS.
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