Avakov announced the occurrence of the moment “IKS” for the Ukrainian customs

Avakov announced the occurrence of the moment “IKS” for the Ukrainian customs
Yesterday, 21:25
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The monitoring work will now be carried out by the police.
Armed police officers will help the customs to combat smuggling. A decree adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, says the story TSN.19:30.
The leaders of the Ministry of internal Affairs, Ministry of Finance and State fiscal service and met with business representatives to clarify the new rules. The police will be able to be in the areas of customs clearance, and the interior Ministry gained access to the automated system of customs. So the cops physically able to protect customs officers and to identify violations.
Videogoround police will help the customs to combat smuggling
A decree adopted by the Cabinet. The leaders of the Ministry of internal Affairs, Ministry of Finance and State fiscal service and met with business representatives to clarify the new rules. The police will be able to be in the areas of customs clearance, and the interior Ministry gained access to the automated system of customs. Thus, the cops will physically protect customs officers and to identify violations. The government claimed that the new rules affected only the dishonest entrepreneurs.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:01
“Now the moment “x”: we provide each of our villain the opportunity to show what he is handsome, he loves his Homeland and how it implements its duties. We will try to put pressure only on the bad people” – promised the Minister of internal Affairs Arsen Avakov.
See also:
Groysman will fight smuggling together with Avakov
As already reported, the head of the interior Ministry wants to return criminal liability for smuggling goods. As of June 21, the Ukrainian law enforcers start with a new power to catch the smugglers and uncover a fraudulent scheme on the border.
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