In Transcarpathia began the meeting of the Ukrainian and Hungarian parties regarding the education Act

In Transcarpathia began the meeting of the Ukrainian and Hungarian parties regarding the education Act
© Pavlo Klimkin/twitter
Today, 13:09
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It has four Ministers.
Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin said that started the Ukrainian-Hungarian consultations 4 Ministers for implementation of the Law on education of Ukraine.
About this he wrote on Twitter.
“Every Ukrainian citizen of Hungarian origin should feel at home in any corner of Ukraine”, – the Minister added.
Start of the Ukrainian-Hungarian consultations 4 Ministers regarding the implementation of the Law on education. Every Ukrainian citizen of Hungarian origin should feel at home in any corner of Ukraine
— Pavlo Klimkin (@PavloKlimkin) 22 Jun 2018
We will remind, Budapest demands from Kiev to refrain from the implementation of the law on education in accord with the national minorities, in particular Hungarians of Transcarpathia. In this regard, Hungary is blocking the European and Euro-Atlantic initiatives of Ukraine. Recently the Hungarian government has initiated a review of all programs of NATO to support Ukraine.
Videoangry agreed to talks with Ukraine regarding the Law on education
The adopted last year document Hungarians initially angered a point about language learning. About the last steps towards the understanding of the two countries announced Pavlo Klimkin after a conversation in new York with the Hungarian colleague. Still the Hungarian minority in Ukraine refused any compromise.
TSN. Wounds
May 30, 09:00
Representatives of Lithuania and Canada in the NATO parliamentary Assembly stated the inadmissibility of blocking Hungary cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Jacek Czaputowicz has suggested to solve to involve a third party – for example, NATO Secretary General.
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