The Ministry convinced that in Ukraine decreased the level of shadow economy

The Ministry convinced that in Ukraine decreased the level of shadow economy
© National Bank of Ukraine
Today, 10:34
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The index decreased by 4%.
The level of shadow economy in Ukraine by the end of 2017, accounting for 31% of official GDP. This is 4% less than it was last year when the figure was 35%.
Such data are the Ministry of economic development and trade.
“Unshadowing of the Ukrainian economy became possible due to: the preservation of relative macro-financial stability in the conditions of implementation of policies on expanding domestic demand, and diversification of markets for Ukrainian products; to maintain a high level of business activity of the business in terms of the improvement in the expectations and level of perception of the Ukrainian reforms in the world; to reduce investment risk on the background of relative macro-financial stabilization and continuation of the process of economic reform”, – said the Agency.
Unshadowing of the economy would happen faster, but in Ukraine there are many unsolved problems. In particular, low trust in institutions of government, the preservation of significant challenges to the stability of the financial system, the presence of uncontrolled authorities of the territories created during the military aggression.
Meanwhile , the NBU explained, whereby GDP grew by more than 3%.
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