In Kiev detained the man who beat to death a homeless man

In Kiev detained the man who beat to death a homeless man

© Police Kiev / Facebook


26 Jun, 17:11

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The attacker threatened to deseti years of imprisonment.

On Tuesday, June 26, in Kiev law enforcement officers detained a man who killed a homeless man.

This reports the press service of the police of Kiev.

The murdered man with head injuries and bodies were found near the river Lybid.

“That stray told that the victim is 50-year-old resident of Kyiv. Later it turned out that since April this year, he was considered missing,” – said the head of the Holoseievski police Department Oleg Voloshin.

According to him, during the site inspection, the police found a pipe of a heating main, which include persons without permanent residence.

To solve the crime, the police conducted a complex search actions and investigative actions and established circumstances of the incident and the person who beat to death the victim. The suspect told police that he and the victim had was a verbal altercation in which he beat him with a wooden stick.

Detained 29-the summer inhabitant of capital. He had previously brought to criminal liability for various crimes: theft, robbery, fraud. In December last year was released from prison. For the offense he faces up to ten years of imprisonment.

See also:

In the center of Kiev homeless man was beaten to death by his friend

Police Kiev / Facebook

The man it is declared suspicion under part 2 of article 121 (Deliberate heavy injury) criminal code of Ukraine. During the investigation the malefactor the measure of restraint – detention.

Earlier in Odessa children threw stones at the homeless. After the attack of the children, the father of one of them and hit a homeless man. A homeless man tried to resuscitate, but in vain: the doctors who have arrived on a call, only verified death. The one who hit him, was gone before the ambulance came. Now he is wanted by the police.

Video settings the river announced the verdict of teenagers who for fun killed a homeless man

12 years behind bars will hold two guys. The schoolgirl, who along with them mocked the homeless will be forced to raise two years in the Dorm. In jail she will not get simply because at the time of the offence she was only 13. The murder of a schoolgirl with her two boys 16 and 19 years made last year in February after drank a bottle of brandy.

TSN. 12:00

20 Jun, 12:43

  • Kiev
  • police
  • murder
  • homeless
  • sparring

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