“We are willing to walk with you to hell”: in the Donetsk children svoebrazny congratulated militants Zakharchenko

“We are willing to walk with you to hell”: in the Donetsk children svoebrazny congratulated militants Zakharchenko
© Denis Kazan/Facebook
28 Jun, 00:55
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The video is a fighter who built a house near Kiev.
In the Internet appeared the video, where children congratulations with the birthday of the leader “DNR” Alexander Zakharchenko. As it turned out to be members of the youth organization “the Stronghold of Donbass” acting in the occupied territory of the Donetsk region.
The video shows children in a white uniform standing next to horse on which also sits a young girl. Horse by the bridle is held by a grown man with a vest.
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The participants of the performance in turn congratulate Zakharchenko happy birthday. They call it “Batey, commander and protector” and promise that they are ready to walk with him “to hell”.
Blogger Denis Kazanskiy, a former resident of Donetsk, recognized the man in the video. According to him, his name is Viktor Nazarov. In 2015, he fought on the side of the militants “DNR” and at the same time built a house near Kiev. During one of his visits to the capital of Ukraine Nazarov was detained by the SBU. This man was in the story TSN.
However, in 2016, the Prosecutor filed the motion for dismissal Nazarova from criminal liability and he was released, writes Kazan.
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