In Kiev the drunk driver on Opel flew into the car

In Kiev the drunk driver on Opel flew into the car
© Photo by Valeria Kovalinsky/TSN
29 Jun, 12:46
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Due to an accident congestion on the road.
On the prospect of Unification on the Left Bank of the capital faced two cars, says TSN.12:00.
From-for road accident there was a small traffic jam. The accident occurred at 9 am with the participation of two cars. The driver of Cherkasy region went to the “Lada” at the train station to meet the train his wife and child, when he flew a car Opel.
Photo of Valerie Kovalinsky/TSN
The driver of the second car was in a condition of alcoholic intoxication, as reported in the police – Drager showed about 2 ppm. He was taken to the hospital.
The driver of “Slavuta” has received a head injury, but from the hospital, he refused. He remained on the scene of the accident. The man was happy though, because the accident occurred before he took his family to the station.
The TSN reporter Valeria Kovalinskaya
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