In Kiev will take place the grandiose concert with participation of Malkovich: people are warned of the overlap of the streets

In Kiev will take place the grandiose concert with participation of Malkovich: people are warned of the overlap of the streets
July 1, 10:47
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Public transport partly change their routes.
In the center of Kiev on the evening of 1 July will be a Grand musical project “Paths of friendship” – on St. Sophia square on one stage will bring together the best musicians from Ukraine and Italy, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The musicians will play excerpts from Verdi’s operas, and musical monologue of Abraham Lincoln, who will read the Hollywood star American actor John Malkovich, conducting – star world classic, the former chief conductor of the Milan Opera Riccardo Muti, who 21 years ago for the first time arranged a concert in war-torn Sarajevo. Since then Maestro every year with the help of music trying to bring good to the masses.
“Different nationalities can have a different culture, but feelings all the same. It is music that creates that miracle sometimes unable to create a government, politicians or diplomats”, – says the musician.
Video surveillance Sophia square will feature the best musicians from Ukraine and Italy with the classic program
Ambitious musical project in Kiev. Tomorrow evening at St. Sophia square on one stage will bring together the best musicians from Ukraine and Italy. The reader will perform the famous American actor John Malkovich, and will conduct a star of world classics Riccardo Muti. 21 years ago he first staged a concert in war-torn Sarajevo. Since then every year with the help of music trying to bring good to the masses. Maestro was invited to the rehearsal TSN and shared why he’s so well-respected by the Ukrainian people.
TSN. 19:30
30 Jun, 21:21
78-year-old Italian admits that he didn’t hesitate when he was asked to give a concert in Ukraine.
“I’m interested in the musical culture of your country. Ukraine gave the world a large number of singers, pianists, violinists, who have made a contribution to the history of music over the past two centuries. In addition, the Ukrainians and the Italians are very similar in passion and temperament. So I just said “Yes,” said the Maestro.
Riccardo Muti the time reconciled at the concert of the presidents of the three hostile States – Italy, Croatia and Slovenia. He has performed in Yerevan and Istanbul after arriving in Turkey on Armenian planes. His weapon is music.
“We want to bring the spirit of friendship and peace through music. And although we may have our own thoughts, we do not enter into political discussions. Our main message – solve problems and love each other!” said Muti, who has presented the title of honorary Professor of the National music Academy named after Tchaikovsky.
The organizers of the project claim that the Grand event will take place in any weather.
See also:
John Malkovich arrived in Kyiv two days before the concert
In turn, the Department of transport infrastructure KSCA warned that in connection with the holding of the concert will be modified by public transport: trolleybus routes №№ 6, 16, 18 and bus No. 24, 114.
So, from 20:00 to 24:00 trolley bus № 6 will go to the metro station “Lukyanivska”, No. 16 and No. 18 will run its own scheme to the street Sich Riflemen, and will continue to move along the street of Chornovil to Povitroflotskyi Avenue.
Bus routes of General use in normal traffic No. 24, 114 are organized on a day – across the street Khreshchatyk.
In addition, it will be forbidden the passage of all types of transport along the Vladimir passage (from the intersection with Volodymyrska street to the intersection with the Minor Zhitomir) and on the street (from the intersection with Frunze str. to the intersection with the street).
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