Poroshenko has cancelled the import duty on OOS products

Poroshenko has cancelled the import duty on OOS products
© Ministry of defence of Ukraine
27 Jun, 17:35
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The President also signed the law on benefits for the soldiers of Operation joint forces.
Petro Poroshenko has signed the law “On amendments to the Customs code of Ukraine regarding clarification of certain provisions,” according to the website of the President.
So, they supplemented the existing rules of the Customs code of Ukraine regarding the exemption from import duty of some products. We are talking about the special means of individual protection; thread and materials for the manufacture of bullet-proof vests and helmets; medicines and health products.
These rules apply for the duration of OOS.
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In addition, specified list of goods, which can be attributed to personal belongings of citizens. For example, regulated the importation of wheel chairs for persons with disabilities.
The law shall enter into force on the day following the day of its publication. However, it is proposed to extend the provisions from may 1, 2018 start of Operations of the joint forces.
The President signed another law providing for the renewal of privileges on payment of the military tax and VAT at the time of the OOS.
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Until that time, tax benefits, features of collection and payment of taxes and fees were set for the period of the antiterrorist operation.
Among them, in particular, privileges on payment of the military tax from incomes in the form of financial support for law enforcement officers, military personnel and other persons for the period of their direct participation in the operation.
Also set the privileges on the taxation of operations on importation into the customs territory of Ukraine and supply it a number of special individual protection means, medicines and medical products, defense products.
Earlier, Parliament adopted the law regarding the benefits for participants of OOS. According to him, the soldiers of Operation joint forces are entitled to the same benefits as military ATO.
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TSN. 16:45
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