To the draft of the PACE resolution included a demand for the release of Ukrainian prisoners of the Kremlin

To the draft of the PACE resolution included a demand for the release of Ukrainian prisoners of the Kremlin
PACE © Word I Dilo
28 Jun, 12:20
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Will also discuss the situation with the violation of international norms by Russia
The Committee on legal Affairs and human rights of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has included in the draft resolutions on the liberation of Ukrainian political prisoners in the Russian Federation Ukrainian proposals demanding the release of those Ukrainians who are illegally detained in the occupied Crimea and Donbas.
This was announced by the representative of Ukraine in the humanitarian sub-group of the Trilateral contact group on settling the situation in Donbas, first Deputy head of the Verkhovna Rada Iryna Gerashchenko in Facebook.
According to her, the Committee discussed amendments to the draft resolution, and it will be considered at the meeting of the Assembly in Strasbourg.
See also:
A tuple Moskalkova brazenly passed Denisova in the colony, where contain.
“The Ukrainian delegation insisted that the resolution was made the responsibility of the Russian Federation and for the holding of Ukrainians in the occupied territories, access to them of international humanitarian missions and doctors. These amendments, despite the opposition of the left was supported by the Committee”, – said Gerashchenko.
In TSI guilini in individuals comtet PAR obgovarivaetsya amendments to resols about Ukrainian poltv aznv of the Kremlin…
Iryna Gerashchenko posted Thursday, 28 June 2018 R.
She also noted that today during the discussion of the draft resolution, the Ukrainian delegation will talk about the fact that the Ombudsman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights Lyudmila Denisova again, do not let illegally convicted in Russia Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov.
“We will talk about this is a flagrant violation of international norms by Russia today, at the Assembly. We with Lyudmila Denisova in the contact 5 in the morning. She does everything to get through to Oleg,” – wrote Gerashchenko.
Videoludica Denisov with his Russian counterpart arrived in the colony, where contain.
Ukrainian ombudsvumen not pass to Oleg Sentsov. Lyudmila Denisova has already arrived in the city of Labytnangi, where colony hold Ukrainian film Director. Along with it flew the Russian Commissioner for human rights Tatyana Moskalkova, however, on the way to Labytnangi she left behind.
TSN. Wounds
28 Jun, 09:54
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