“Anti-corruption” heart is busy: Golodnitsky, first brought to light his beloved

“Anti-corruption” heart is busy: Golodnitsky, first brought to light his beloved
3 Jul, 22:28
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The Prosecutor came to the jazz festival together with the 23-year-old lawyer.
Anti-corruption Prosecutor Nazar Golodnitsky no longer alone. He first brought to light his new girlfriend, according to a story TSN.19:30.
“This is the most beautiful woman on this planet,” presented to journalists by the cavalier. And immediately objected that this out in the public together is the first: “What do you mean first time? You just haven’t noticed before”.
Videonasa Holodnitsky first showed your girlfriend
Anti-corruption Prosecutor found a girl, Roman Nasirov showed his electronic bracelet and told them about the blanket. At a jazz festival – our Dasha Happy took it all and asked the details.
TSN. 19:30
3 Jul, 20:55
Head of SAP has made it clear that it is not in awe of vespasiana details of his personal life. “Her Name Is Julia. My Julia. That’s enough. Everything else is a mystery, it’s a private life,” he said. However, something to tell agreed the girl. In particular, she admitted that jazz is not her, and she went to the festival because she was invited Nazar.
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Julia also said that working as a lawyer, but met a pair of not work. “Public activities, if it comes to that,” laughs Holodnitsky. And the girl said that it happened at the football match – the Champions League. The question of the age of the girl, the Prosecutor tried to dismiss: “it is Impossible to ask this question”. However, his companion still said that she was 23 years old, and she graduated from the National Academy of internal Affairs.
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Question about hometown Yulia also did not like Horodniceanu. “This questioning,” he joked. However, his love secrets to do not. “From the Kirovograd region”, – she told about her native land.
The TSN reporter Daria Happy
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