In Kiev will host a series of master classes from the Austrian higher school of etiquette

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In Kiev will host a series of master classes from the Austrian higher school of etiquette
2 Jul, 19:16
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About the art of “small talk”, the elegance of manners and speech, aesthetics of movement and creating a successful business image, etiquette during the meal are fortunate enough to know anyone who will be a participant from the representation of Austrian higher school of etiquette in Kiev.
6,7 and 8 July at the InterContinental Hotel Kyiv will hold classes one of the most prestigious educational centres specializing in the professional teaching business etiquette, manners and international Protocol.
To hold thematic lectures and master classes during gastronomic dinners will arrive in Kiev Marie Bush – the expert of the international class on all types of etiquette, a member of the Association of Protocol and Diplomacy International – Protocol Officers Association.
This institution has a long history. It was founded in 1867 in Austria under the patronage of Empress Elisabeth of Bavaria (Sisi, Elisabeth Amalie Eugenie, Herzoginin Bayern). Today the “godmother” of the Austrian higher school of etiquette is the Countess Marie de Tilly, the daughter and granddaughter of French diplomats, descendants of an old noble family.
Casual atmosphere and relevant for the modern man topics business etiquette, and elegance of manners will bring together individuals focused on investing in their future, representatives of the business circles and high-society figures.
In two one-day Express courses Marie Bush will address the topic of successful positioning yourself in front of business partners, behavior on different types of techniques, proper communication with colleagues, principles of negotiating, shaping the image of the elegant woman and the rules of publication.
The final chord of the 8th July will be a gastronomic dinner with master-classes on table etiquette and wine in the restaurant of the Coin. A full serving according to international standards, delicious dishes from the chef will enable all participants to improve their skills at a dinner party.
Rich educational program filled with new discoveries and useful knowledge, will now take place on a regular basis.
To register for the event, visit
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