Russian Director called Poroshenko unconditionally release all prisoners of the Russians for.

Russian Director called Poroshenko unconditionally release all prisoners of the Russians for.
Russian Director Alexander Sokurov. © Facebook/Vitaly Tsoriev
30 June, 01:48
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Alexander Sokurov also offers the Ukrainian President to “declare a moratorium on confrontation”.
Russian Director Alexander Sokurov called on the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to promote the release of Oleg Sentsov is a Ukrainian political prisoner who is kept in Russian prison.
His appeal appeared on the website of radio “Echo of Moscow”.
“I urge You to forget, to reject any and all overt and covert political reasons and draw their attention to the higher arts, the humanistic interests of the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian culture”, – the statement says.
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The Russian authorities have received two requests for clemency after lawyer
Sokurov asked Poroshenko to “start from scratch”. The Director offers to the Ukrainian President unconditionally release all citizens who are in prison in Ukraine. Also he got called to announce “an indefinite moratorium on all military, diplomatic, political confrontation”.
“I beg You, do anything to release my colleague Oleg Sentsov G. would be inevitable”, – the statement says.
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In Moscow opposite the Kremlin staged a rally in support of Sentsov
Recall, 25 August 2016 the Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in a strict regime colony. He was accused in Russia of preparing to commit terrorist acts in Simferopol, Sevastopol and Yalta. May 14, 2018 Sentsov announced an indefinite hunger strike. The only condition for termination is the release of all Ukrainian political prisoners who are on the territory of the Russian Federation.
On may 28, the Federal service of execution of punishments stated that Sentsov has agreed to supportive therapy. This information was confirmed by the Ukrainian lawyer Dmitry Dinze.
May 31, ex-the candidate in presidents of the Russian Federation Ksenia Sobchak said that spoke via video link with Sentsov. He looked thin and pale, he lost his first two teeth because of the hunger strike. Doctors who follow the state of health of the political prisoner, warned that after 30 days of fasting, he will start to fill in the nose the nutrient solution.
The Ombudsman Lyudmila Denisova for five days trying to meet Sensulin, but she refused to even video. Denisov warned about the dangers of hunger strike. – he almost never gets out of bed. He Sentsov refused to ask Putin to pardon.
Video settings Moscow near the Kremlin hung the inscription “Sentsov” and lit candles
Did Moscow municipal deputies and activists. So they wanted to support Ukrainian film Director, who is on hunger strike for the 47th day. On the eve of Oleg Sentsov not allowed Ukrainian authorized the Verkhovna Rada on human rights. Lyudmila Denisova staid the whole day under the colony in Labytnangi and only watched on the prison with his motorcade drove and drove Russian Ombudsman.
TSN. Wounds
29 Jun, 08:40
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