Damaged computers and pool instead of the gym: in the capital the rain had caused the school damage on million hryvnias

Damaged computers and pool instead of the gym: in the capital the rain had caused the school damage on million hryvnias
On 2 July, 23:16
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Repair turned into big problems for companies.
Due to heavy downpour in Kiev suffered school, which was defenseless against the element of water. Teachers blamed the builders who were late off the entire roof of the academic building, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Wet walls, wet rags and buckets of water – sports hall, where after a few weeks had to end repair, turned into a pool. The scale of the disaster visiting teachers and builders. Teachers can’t look at losses without tears and arguing with the repairmen. The latter impute the slow pace of work – say, the old roof was removed, new put, although nearly a month fiddling on the roof. “This is a very big loss, definitely. I can only say that in the city budget to repair these gyms was founded 7.7 million,” – said the Director of the Department of education and science, youth and sports of the Kyiv city state administration Olena Fidanyan.
Video settings in Kiev because of the heavy rain flooded the school
Wet books, broken computers, and flooded the gym. Due to heavy rain in Kyiv suffered a school that was defenseless against the element of water. Teachers blamed the builders, right in front of the shower – took off the entire roof of the academic building.
TSN. 19:30
2 Jul, 20:20
On the street the rain had subsided, but in the classroom is still the rain – water flows down from the ceilings and walls. Wet from tears face wipes the librarian for 20 years at school have never seen. The storm destroyed almost the whole stock. “I was in shock. I cried. Disaster, that’s all”, – says Galina Voloshinskaya. Drips in the dining room, where they keep the remains of the salvaged equipment. To help teachers in the aftermath of this disaster came the parents – they brought the surviving computers in one place and wipe and dry textbooks. “Heart bleeds, when I saw the book from which water drips. I realized that those books that we just passed,” admitted mother Anna Luhanska.
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The builders, in their defense, they say that the repair work did not stop. “Where could be done, we put the rail to nowhere numb and oilcloth is. Well, there are open” – said the chief engineer Igor Zhdanyuk. While the school administration believes the losses, the contractors promises to reimburse the cost of damaged property. And I assure you that completely replace the roof plan in three weeks.
The TSN reporter Victoria Dmitrenko
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