TSN caught Nasirov with an electronic bracelet at the jazz festival in Lviv

TSN caught Nasirov with an electronic bracelet at the jazz festival in Lviv
3 Jul, 23:07
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The former head of the Ukrainian sneaks assured that will not become “toxic” person.
Former Chairman of the SFS Roman Nasirov attended the music festival in Lviv under the name of Leopolis Jazz. There he saw the journalists found the opportunity to ask a few questions, reads the story TSN.19:30.
“I don’t think that was toxic, man – that’s for sure,” – said Nasirov in response to the assumption, that it is now not so willing to communicate with officials and other famous faces. At the same time, the former head of the DFS said that the President had no connection. “I am the President don’t communicate”, – he said.
Videonasa Holodnitsky first showed your girlfriend
Anti-corruption Prosecutor found a girl, Roman Nasirov showed his electronic bracelet and told them about the blanket. At a jazz festival – our Dasha Happy took it all and asked the details.
TSN. 19:30
3 Jul, 20:55
Nasirov also made it clear that does not take seriously the scene with the blanket on stretchers which became a meme among Internet users. “If you have now had a blanket, I would put a blanket and went to listen to music with a blanket”, he said. However, the former official did not begin to hide that has on the body means of electronic control. “On foot,” said he, but the bracelet refused and promised to do it another time.
See also:
The trial Nasirov in court could drag on for more than 20 months – Holodnitsky
As previously reported, at the same jazz festival, the head of SAP Nazar Golodnitsky has unveiled his girlfriend. It turned out that the beloved Prosecutor is only 23 years old and she is a lawyer by profession.
The TSN reporter Daria Happy
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