The housing boom in the capital has intensified scams: experts gave advice on how to save money

The housing boom in the capital has intensified scams: experts gave advice on how to save money
Today, 04:24
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The most common of the transaction remain unchanged.
In two weeks the realtors in the queue will be students and workers to find housing to rent. This means that we will increase not only prices, but also the number of fraudulent schemes, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Vladislav Zinchenko two months trying to rent an apartment, and every day faced with scams. The most common method the fraudulent scheme: payment of the first month at the Agency when signing the contract, and then the discovery that the promised flats for the money simply does not exist. Vlad is convinced that to remove one-room apartment in the capital for 5200 UAH is impossible. The guy on the hook caught and gave to swindlers of $ 200, but on other attempts of speculators to plant it on the money already?
Video settings Ukraine, the growing number of fraudulent schemes when hiring an apartment
In two weeks the realtors in turn will become students and workers to find housing to rent. This means that we will increase not only prices, but the number of fraudulent schemes. However, the most common of the transaction remain unchanged. How not to remove someone else’s apartment or house, which did not exist in the story TSN.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:25
With the start of the new season the number of victims will only grow. “A common mistake tenants that they do not check documents for an object that they rent,” explains the President of the Association of realtors of Ukraine Yuriy Pita. Lawyers are already tired to warn about the dangers of hiring on verbal agreements, or in people who do not have the right of ownership of the residential squares. “It is better to sign a contract with the owner, it should clearly indicate price, time and what would you film in what condition,” recalls attorney Michael Ilyashev.
See also:
The new season of the mass of rental apartments. How not to get “hooked” Scam
Cheap price, the requirement of money in advance, attempts to delay the shows apartments, which are likely signs of falling under the scope of the scams. A public registry of real estate will help find out the owner and learn about the history of a house, experts advise to ask the neighbors or the Concierge about the landlord – it can save time, money and nerves.
The TSN reporter Igor Bondarenko
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