In Kiev six people after consuming the fungi in intensive care

In Kiev six people after consuming the fungi in intensive care
Today, 12:06
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Five of the victims are still in serious condition
In Kiev over the past weekend, six people were in a Toxicological intensive care unit with acute poisoning by mushrooms.
This was announced by the Director of the Department of health of Kyiv city state administration Valentina Ginzburg.
“It is important that all patients have intestinal and other disorders due to improper preparation or use of mushrooms, and suffer from these acute poisoning inedible mushrooms,” she said.
According to Ginsburg, now one person has already been transferred to the inpatient Department in a satisfactory condition, the condition of other five is quite heavy.
“Remember, poisoning symptoms can be different. It depends on the type of mushrooms, method of use, and even the General state of human health”, – said the Director of the Department of health KSCA.
Separately Ginsburg urged not to give children to try mushrooms.
“Believe me, even edible, they are not useful and surprisingly heavy for a child’s stomach. And if the mushrooms are poisonous – the child endures such a sickness is heavier than an adult and may even die. The same applies to pregnant women,” she explained.
We will remind, earlier in Odessa region from mushroom poisoning died of a pregnant woman and 11-year-old child. All of the poison victims were seven people.
Video settings of Odessa region the pregnant woman and the baby died from mushroom poisoning
The whole family – parents and five children – were poisoned by mushrooms. A pregnant woman and one child died. The father and four children in the hospital, two children – in intensive care. Poisonous mushrooms family enjoyed a week ago. Despite signs of poisoning after a meal – was treated at home. An ambulance was called by neighbors on Friday the family were taken to the district hospital, and then to Odessa.
TSN. Wounds
Today, 07:35
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