In Kiev resumed traffic on the overpass, which collapsed from the rain

In Kiev resumed traffic on the overpass, which collapsed from the rain
© Facebook/Evgeny Zborovsky
Today, 12:51
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The utility had strengthened the road construction.
As of 12:20 in Kiev resumed traffic on the overpass at the intersection of prospect Mira and Cyril. This was announced at a briefing in Kyiv city state administration, the correspondent of TSN.
City officials assured that the main structure of the overpass is not damaged. Occurred the leaching of the sand – 1500 cubic meters of sand as a result of erosion of the road went to St. Cyril.
The utility has collected the washed sand and an additional amount of material, and with their help, reinforced construction.
As you know, on this stretch of road was a repair. At KCSA say, because of the devastating impact of the downpour, the repair delayed for 2-3 weeks, but the utility promised to catch up the schedule.
Movement through the bridge at Teligi over Cyril partially restored! On the 1st lane in each direction! The movement under the bridge…
Evhen Zborowski published Thursday, July 26, 2018
Note that the movement through the tunnel on Dorogozhychi, which flooded before, is also restored.
By TSN correspondent Anton Strashko
Videoscall streets of Kiev stopped in traffic due to the effects of a powerful shower
Most bad weather has done the troubles in the capital’s Podil there collapsed bridge over Kirillovskaya street. It happened during yesterday’s downpour. In the crossing, which is just repaired, obrazovalos neskolkometrovuyu the abyss. After that, the path and generally cut off, and the machine started up in a detour. Formed a lot of traffic.
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