The driver of the Hummer that killed a girl in Kiev, refused tests

The driver of the Hummer that killed a girl in Kiev, refused tests
Today, 00:29
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The Kyiv Prosecutor’s office through court will demand to take biological samples from him forcibly.
Drager found no signs of intoxication of the driver of the Hummer that killed a ten-year girl in Kiev, but only after receiving the results of laboratory studies of the urine can be argued, whether he was in a state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication.
I want to clarify regarding the driver examination Hamer after the accident. Though Drager and did not find oznaku of intoxication,…
Published by Hope maksimets Wednesday, July 25, 2018
About this Facebook reported the press Secretary of the Moscow Prosecutor’s office Hope the maximes.
See also:
The father of the driver of a Hummer that hit and killed a girl, told his version of events
“It is too early to make claims that he was sober as someone has already managed to interpret this information,” she said.
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Driving a Hummer who hit a little girl in Kiev, sat ex-boxer – media (4 photos)
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Yesterday, 01:54
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“The driver refused to provide any biological samples that was required of him. Therefore, the Kyiv Prosecutor’s office through court will demand to take them from him forcibly,” – said the representative of the Kyiv Prosecutor’s office.
Видео10-year-old girl was killed on a pedestrian crossing in the center of Kiev
She and her mother crossed the Boulevard of Lesya Ukrainian at the green light. To detain 23-the summer driver, the police managed within a few hundred metres away: he stopped on the roadside, tied up room and at first, say witnesses, pretended not to understand, about what speech.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 19:53
A petition was prepared, and on Thursday morning will be sent to the Shevchenko district court of Kyiv for consideration.
We will remind, on July 24 at about 22:30 on the Boulevard Lesia Ukrainka 23-year-old driver of the Hummer was hit on the regulated passage of a 10-year-old girl. A car moving on a red signal of a traffic light. The girl died in the carriage, and the driver was arrested and taken to narcological clinic – examination should identify whether the driver’s blood alcohol or drugs.
To the detainee it is declared suspicion on the article “violation of traffic rules, entailed death of the victim”. Also addressed the issue of additional qualifications – “abandonment in danger” because it is not reliably established, the driver is really going to leave the scene of an accident.
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