Kiev has warned about the storm and possible flooding in the coming hours

Kiev has warned about the storm and possible flooding in the coming hours
Today, 00:58
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Bad weather will last and 27 July in the afternoon.
In the next few hours in Kiev, thunderstorms, possible flooding. More about this later in the evening on July 26 warned the Kyiv city state administration.
“In the next two hours hold until the end of the night, and on July 27 a day in the capital, thunderstorms, possible flooding,” – said in the message.
Rules of conduct during a rainstorm
The city government reminded that in the event the wind should be tightly closed all the Windows of the houses, to clean with balconies and loggias items that can fall out.
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In Kiev, after a rainstorm collapsed an overpass at Teligi
If you were on the street, you need to stay away from billboards, power lines, trees, and in the event of strong winds take refuge in the nearest building or natural shelter.
We also advise you to avoid staying near large trees, especially poplars, and also not to Park near to them cars.
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When falling trees or branches, the injured people and other emergencies should immediately call 101 or 103.
VideoCAM after the flood. In the capital eliminated the effects of a powerful shower
The consequences of high water. Today Kiev comes after a powerful shower – before the water swallowed crossings, a tunnel and damaged the overpass. In the morning, limited movement, forged tube. However, after lunch chrezvychainym and public utilities managed to restore everywhere the movement.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 19:47
We will remind, in Kiev on 25 July was a heavy duty downpour that flooded city streets and subways. A road tunnel near the metro station “Vokzalnaya” was completely under water. Also partially flooded street of Chornovil, glubochitskaya, Victory Avenue, near the Industrial road bridge.
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