Autumn is rapidly more expensive alcohol

Autumn is rapidly more expensive alcohol
© Pexels
Today, 09:02
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Growth is forecast at 13%.
In Ukraine, the fall of more expensive alcohol.
As reported in the story “Sedanka z 1+1”, the cost of alcoholic beverages will increase on average by 13%.
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The reason for the change in pricing policy – raising the minimum retail price on all alcohol. For the first half of 2018 alcoholic beverages are 1-3% more.
Videosamy expensive wine collection in the world sold at auction for a record $ 13 million
Alcohol at the price of diamonds. The most expensive wine collection in the world sold on a Swiss auction. Eight hundred bottles of rare Burgundy wines and champagne have to go under the hammer for a record $ 13 million. All of them belonged to Henry Gereru – known French winemaker. He spent 60 years I have personally grown a few acres of grapes in Eastern France, which produced fine wines.
TSN. Wounds
18 Jun, 09:48
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