Ukrainians are massively buying real estate in Poland

Ukrainians are massively buying real estate in Poland
Today, 09:21
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Last year they bought apartments and a total area of 70 thousand square meters.
Last year the Ukrainians more than any other foreigners bought housing in Poland.
This is stated in the story “Snidanok 1+1”.
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In General, in 2017, the Ukrainians have purchased in Poland apartments with total area of 70 thousand square meters. This is the highest rate among all other foreigners who bought homes in this country.
After Ukrainians most apartments were purchased by Germans, British, Belarusian and French. The greatest demand is for apartments in Warsaw, Krakow and Wroclaw.
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Earlier, the head of the Polish Senate Stanislav Karchevsky said that Poland rather welcomes Ukrainian labor migrantsthan refugees from the Middle East due to the fact that Ukrainians have a better take Polish values.
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Snidanok 1+1
July 10, 11:19
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