Ukrzaliznytsia has canceled the controversial purchase of premium icons in Russia

Ukrzaliznytsia has canceled the controversial purchase of premium icons in Russia
© Uz
Today, 17:37
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Honorary members of the Ukrainian Railways were going to honor the Russian premium icons.
The state company “Ukrzaliznytsya” has ordered Russia party icon award “Honorary railwayman”.
The relevant information is posted on the website of public procurement Prozorro.
According to the published data, a branch of “software production” PJSC “Ukrainian Railways” signed an agreement with the administrative office of JSC “Russian Railways” for the supply of 96 badges of “Honorary railroad” in the case and forms of corresponding certificates.
The total amount of the contract is 181 927,68 rubles, or slightly more than 77 thousand hryvnias, thus each icon cost about 800 hryvnia.
In turn, the first Deputy Minister of economic development and trade of Ukraine Maxim Nefedov posted on his page in Facebook a scanned copy of the signed contract, together with specification of the order, noting that it is not about winning the tender, and direct purchase.
#tradetalk PJSC “Ukrzaliznytsia” has acquired a direct contract without a tender in the Russian railway badges “Honorary…
Max Nefyodov published Monday, July 30, 2018
The “award badge “Honorary railroad” made of copper-Nickel alloy by means of forging and does not contain precious metals. Top plate, adaptor ring, Shoe and train the emblem is made of a copper-zinc alloy brass, pressure treated, grade “red brass” L-90. Each sign is individually numbered manufacturer. The award sign is placed in box”, – the document says.
It also indicates that the production of award will deal with the Russian company “Kulttorg”.
Note that the agreement was signed acting Director of the branch of “Ukrzaliznytsia” procurement Yevgeny Nikitin and his Deputy Andrey Lapin, from the Russian side – Director of ASU’s “RZD” Vladimir Sobaka.
Currently the acting Chairman of the Board of “Ukrainian Railways” Evgeny Kravtsov instructed to suspend the purchase award of marks.
“Ukrzaliznytsia” also refers to the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine with a proposal to revise the procedure for participation in the agreement regulating the order of assignment of the sign of “Honorary railroad”. This agreement should be reviewed by the Ukrainian side, given the current political context”, – said the press service of the company.
We will remind, earlier “Ukrzaliznytsya” has opened their money for monitoring over the Internet. Now all financial processes will be available via E-Data.
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