In Kiev searching for missing after the Banquet of the engineer-scientist

In Kiev searching for missing after the Banquet of the engineer-scientist
Yesterday, 21:40
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He was last seen at the celebration of the birthday of the head of the restaurant.
In the capital for the fifth day looking for 32-year-old Sergei Primak – the chief engineer of the research Institute. Last Friday he along with his colleagues celebrated the birthday of the head of the restaurant and never returned home, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Oksana together with three-month old daughter crawls home and adjoining streets. “I don’t know what happened to him, I can’t understand. For me it is a mystery, shock,” she says. Last time with another man was on Friday when he called at about 22:00 and said that an hour will go home. In the place where celebrated birthday, I assure you that everyone left not too late and some incidents didn’t happen.
Video settings Kiev lost 32-year-old chief engineer of scientific research Institute Sergey Primak
In Kiev lost 32-year-old chief engineer of scientific research Institute Sergey Primak. Looking for him for 5 days. Last Friday, he along with his colleagues celebrated the birthday of the head of the restaurant. After the house was taken by the driver, however, in the house the man never came.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:08
To home troieschyna Sergei brought a friend of the driver, but the house Oksana’s husband did not wait. “The child was fed and slept. Wake up and its gone. At 23:00, he saw a neighbor, it was there,” says the wife. The next day, colleagues of the missing unknown sent a video with a duration of only seven seconds and without sound. On it Sergey jacket in hand reeling, says nothing. Where these pictures were taken – difficult to discern. Jacket men later found at a petrol station in kilometer from the house where he lives.
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Family, colleagues, and volunteers hung in several districts of Kiev thousands of ads with a photo missing. Oksana call and write often, but no result. No specific information in the police. “There are witnesses who in a particular place saw him,” says the head of the investigation Department of the police of the Desnyansky district Dmitry Petrovsky. In one of the hospitals in Holosiivskyi district was contacted by the man whose data coincide with the data missing Sergei Primak, but the patient has specified another address. The doctors examined him and released because of a request from the police at that time was not yet. Now law enforcement officials are studying video from surveillance cameras, but also appealed to mobile operators to learn the calls missing.
The TSN reporter Anton Strashko
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