In Kiev skyrocketed the level of air pollution in gschs told, where the capital is the worst situation

In Kiev skyrocketed the level of air pollution in gschs told, where the capital is the worst situation
© Photo: Alexander Dubinsky
Yesterday, 18:25
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Weather conditions will remain in Kiev until August 3.
In gschs warned about the high level of air pollution in Kiev.
This is stated on the website of the service.
As noted, the accumulation and retention of contaminants in the air of the capital contributes to the weather.
Thus, the level of pollution by nitrogen dioxide reached 5-6 average daily maximum permissible concentrations in the areas of the areas of Bessarabia and Demiivska; Obolonskyi Prospekt, ulitsa Dovzhenko and Victory Avenue.
See also:
Thunderstorms and heavy rain back down from Ukraine. Weather for July 31
The level of contamination with formaldehyde had reached 5-7,5 the average daily MPC in the areas of the areas of Bessarabia and Demiivska; Obolonskiy avenues and Victory Boulevard Lesia Ukrainka and street Dovzhenko, St., Kaunas.
It is assumed that such weather conditions will remain in Kiev until August 3.
We will remind, on July 19, before taking any act of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is forced to analyze the impact of its implementation on population health. In Ukraine introduced the principle of priority of preservation of health of the population.
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