Debris and trampled grass: Botanical garden in Kiev for a week can not recover from a loud concert

Debris and trampled grass: Botanical garden in Kiev for a week can not recover from a loud concert
Today, 02:35
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Lawyers say that the concerts and the Botanical garden – not compatible things from a legal standpoint.
Already a week has passed, as in the Botanical garden named Grishko was a big concert, and the remnants of the bottles, trampled grass, sequin is still not removed. This is stated in the story TSN.19.30.
Then, on the territory of the Botanical garden was free for. To listen to a concert of Ukrainian performers came tens of thousands of people, taking the drink. And in the absence of toilets sprayed rare plantings.
Deputy head of the Botanical garden Nicholas Sumic says still not removed, because all week pouring rain. The lack of toilets explained by the fact that not calculated in the number of visitors was waiting three thousand, came to about twenty.
Videochallenge complain about the resolution of the management of Botanical garden to hold concerts in the conservation area
Botanical garden in the trash. It’s been a week in the Botanical garden named Grishko was a big concert, and more than bottles, trampled grass, sparkles, and still not removed. The neighbors raised a fuss. They say that the natural protection area has no right to arrange such events. Garden guide is justified, that all of the disasters.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:20
In Botanic garden are convinced that such measures are necessary because we need the money. “Of 130 acres is necessary to contain, understand, and speaking about the financing of the Botanical garden, the state funding only covers the salaries of the workers, and not in full volume.”, says Sumic.
According to him, during a concert in Botanical garden organizers paid one hundred thousand plus compensation for the restoration of the lawn in the amount of 20 thousand hryvnia.
Lawyers say that the concerts and the Botanical garden – not at all compatible things from a legal standpoint.
See also:
A star-studded concert winnik has caused outrage among some residents and left behind piles of garbage in the Botanical garden
“This is absolutely illegal, because the Botanical garden named after Grishko National Academy of Sciences is a scientific institution, that is, it needs to engage in research activities on the study of how they grow these plants. Other services recreational services to visitors, have visitors go to watched as these plants grow,” says lawyer Lawrence of Ciroc.
The jurists add, if the leadership wanted to capitalize on the needs of the garden and not on their own, I would not have done free entry during the concert. Would have left an ordinary – 50 hryvnia per person. Then these 16 thousand visitors would bring an income of 800 thousand, not one hundred and twenty, that the Botanical garden received from the organizers.
Now the Botanical garden does not promise to cancel the event at all, but such a large scale, say, not expect.
By TSN correspondent Natalia Goncharova
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