The Ministry of defense reported on how it will be a military parade on Independence Day

The Ministry of defense reported on how it will be a military parade on Independence Day
© Defense Ministry Of Ukraine
Today, 11:56
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Parade rehearsal will be held on Khreshchatyk 18, 20 and 22 August.
This year in the parade devoted to independence Day of Ukraine will take part 4,5 thousand military and 250 units.
This was announced during a briefing the Minister of defence of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak.
“For the first time in a parade attended by 24 units of the Armed forces of Ukraine, State border service, the security Service of Ukraine, National guard, rescuers, police and other units that perform tasks for the defense of our country”, – said the Poltorak.
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First show of new samples of weapons and equipment that have been adopted in the armed forces and in the army.
“Will also be shown samples of weapons, which is a promising and passes the state test,” added the Minister.
According to him, infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) do not wear rubber pads, since the passage of such equipment does not pose a threat to the road surface.
Parade rehearsal will be held on Khreshchatyk 18, 20 and 22 August.
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