Sentsov called his condition predcitions – human rights activist after a meeting with political prisoners

Sentsov called his condition predcitions – human rights activist after a meeting with political prisoners
© Dnia
Today, 14:12
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At the same time, he’s not going to end the hunger strike.
The human rights activist Zoya Svetova met Oleg Sentsova in the colony, reports RTVI.
During a couple of hour-long conversation, the prisoner called his condition “predcitions”. The human rights activist interviewed Sentsov in his room – according to her, “nice and clean”.
“The doctors of the colony, which Sentsov trust, they do what they can do, but don’t make any predictions. The lawyer said that he was given IVS and nutritious blend that he takes. But this is a situation that can not save his life, ” added the activist.
According to her, the Director has no plans to stop the hunger strike. Also Svetova told that the purpose of the hunger strike Sentsov remained the same: the liberation of Ukrainian political prisoners from Russian prisons. According to human rights activist, you need as quickly as possible to solve the problem of exchange of Russian and Ukrainian prisoners.
As the world is demanding the release of Oleg Sentsov
Recall, 25 August 2015, the Ukrainian Director Oleg Sentsov was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment in a strict regime colony. He was accused in Russia of preparing to commit terrorist acts in Simferopol, Sevastopol and Yalta. May 14, 2018 Sentsov announced an indefinite hunger strike. The only condition of termination is the dismissal of all Ukrainian political prisoners who are on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Sentsov refused to ask Putin for pardon. According to his lawyer, he has a very low pulse, anaemia and heart problems, but the hunger strike to refuse he is not going to.
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