In the center of Kiev paralyzed the tube

In the center of Kiev paralyzed the tube
Today, 18:09
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In the capital conducted a rehearsal of the military parade for independence Day.
In the center of Kiev forged a large-scale congestion that have formed due to the rehearsal of the military parade for independence Day.
Videopo the streets of Kiev, drove tanks during preparations for a military parade
Today, 18:18
As can be seen on Google Maps, practically stopped the traffic on the streets of Vladimir, the Taras Shevchenko Boulevard (towards the center), Big Zhitomir, Bohdan Khmelnytsky and close fitting.
Also are Velyka Vasylkivska street and the Boulevard of Lesya Ukrainka.
See also:
In Kiev Buk crashed into a business center after the parade rehearsal
In addition, drivers are forbidden to Park along the route of the rehearsal.
However, not all drivers are willing to wait until the end of the rehearsal. Despite the fact that the city authorities were warned about the ceiling, some leaders have managed to slip between the technique in the column.
Apparently this gentleman on #Audi (#AA0081PC) somewhere in a hurry… And jocaaa, not – writes that “stuck, waited and then saw the window.” What do you think? Who is right? Video Yuriy Zvezdin
Kiev published Operational Monday, August 20, 2018.
We will remind, at a military parade in the capital this year is expected to be a broad presentation of new weapons and military equipment created by domestic military-industrial complex. Among them, the missile and artillery armament: PTRC “Peregrine Falcon”, a high precision system of volley fire “Alder”, the automated system of volley fire “Verba”, 155-mm self-propelled guns, “Bogdan” and the like.
Following the rehearsal of the parade is scheduled for August 22, and the actual parade itself will be held on August 24.
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