Klitschko is preparing a “SHOCK” to parliamentary elections without the “BPP””

Klitschko is preparing a “SHOCK” to parliamentary elections without the “BPP””
Today, 14:04
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To head the election list of may, the Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko.
In early summer, the leader of the “UDAR” Vitali Klitschko, gathered his deputies from the faction “block of Petro Poroshenko” (“BPP”) in the Parliament at a closed meeting. According to several participants, there he announced that the parliamentary elections in October 2019 “KICK” coming on their own, without the party of the President. The reason for this decision was the low rating of Poroshenko and his political power. Klitschko in comments Dnia reported that this option does not exclude it.
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According to the may poll “Razumkov Center” to vote for Poroshenko ready to 7.6% of those who are willing to participate in the elections. In “BPP” – 7,8%. This is by 14.02 percentage points less than the party got on the list for early parliamentary elections in 2014.
Technically the process will be organized parting Shot “BPP”, Klitschko said, according to the participants of the meeting for fear of information leakage. While active work in this direction, no one is. According to one of the deputies from udar, the party did not order sociology for the elections and did not take the decision to rebrand. The only thing that did was opened a new foster Impact and conducted an audit of the old, primarily in the Kiev region.
Actively prepare “BLOW” for parliamentary elections will begin immediately after the presidential – in March 2019.
“It will be out of the BPP and at some point will start campaigning for “BLOW”. The challenge is to make a faction 30-50 people – less than it was before (after the parliamentary elections of 2012, the fraction of Stroke consisted of 47 deputies, and after the 2014 group in “BPP” – 40 Tsna),” says a close associate Klitschko.
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To participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections, the actions of Kiev, most likely, will not – his term ends in 2020. One of the candidates to lead the list of Impact and to make a faction in the Parliament, Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko. According to TsNII the possibility of combining Klitschko and Lutsenko several times discussed at joint meetings.
Lutsenko in the comment Dnia did not rule out participation in the parliamentary elections will be, but if he goes at them with Shock, said. If you recall the previous statements Lutsenko, the party Klitschko for him – not ideal. Earlier, the attorney General advocated the creation of a new centrist party, because the “limit of confidence” to the old – exhausted. Although now Lutsenko admits that this idea is almost buried.
Klitschko possible cooperation with Lutsenko did not deny, but not confirmed. “We are dealing with different policies, which in the future may be cooperation,” he said in comments Dnia.
According to the website of Impact, today the party is more than 10 thousand members in 24 regions. 399 deputies-representatives of party work in local councils at various levels in 15 regions of Ukraine.
We will remind, earlier Prosecutor General Yury Lutsenko announcedthat is considering whether to participate in the parliamentary elections of 2019.
Videopresence columnist Paul NUSS said that the elections of the President of Ukraine will be transferred
Ukrainian politicians are guided on the date of the next elections of the head of state on 31 March of the following year. And actually five years of office of Petro Poroshenko on this post POPs up only on 7 June. Because of the President date is when he took the oath of office in Parliament.
TSN. Week
19 Aug, 20:55
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