On the streets of Kiev there was an unusual car, which was shot in the Batman movie

On the streets of Kiev there was an unusual car, which was shot in the Batman movie
© Dnia
Today, 00:23
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After repair the car will go to Egypt.
Photos of “Batmobile” on the tow truck in the center of Kiev walked almost all the Ukrainian media. What it is – a plastic copy, or a real rarity? Photo was made on the eve of the parade for Independence Day and some social media users speculated that he will take part in the events on the Maidan.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.19:30.
“Batmobile” found in Cherry near Kiev. Matte black with a small stop lights it accelerates rapidly and barely moved a speed bump. Calls in a prestigious quarter of a Cherry and stops. Cabin slowly begins to open.
The designer of the car – Igor Terbentuk. It can hardly be called ordinary mechanic. Together with colleagues, he makes the unusual machine. This “Batmobile” it only repairs and tuning.
“The power unit of the BMW 5-liter V-12. Accordingly, Avtomatika box, brake system and chassis is a “Chevrolet Caprice”. Missile is difficult, because not given permission to the Ministry of defence. But there is a simulated fire,” says the man.
Igor shows the interior of a super car. Leather seats, metal steering wheel and a lot of switches. Says that the machine is fully suitable to drive on Ukrainian roads.
Videobecause in the center of Kiev. TSN sought out the owner of a car with superhero comics
Photos of “Batmobile” on the tow truck in the center of Kiev walked almost all the Ukrainian media. What it is – a plastic copy of a real rarity? They were made on the eve of the parade for independence Day and some social media users speculated that he would take part in the events on the Maidan. TSN virusrescue car with superhero comics.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:36
Behind the wheel of the “Batmobile” Igor did not let. Because it has a reasonable cause:
“There is a category for management of “the Batmobile”?”.
Called to drive a car in traffic on the passenger seat. First experience in the “Batmobile,” that is incredible heat. Explains that now the compressor is gradually completed. In the auto space limited to two passengers.
Finally Igor gives contact the owner of the car. His name is Andrew Jezowski. He was a Ukrainian, lives in Monaco. Near Kiev he organized a workshop, which produces supercars from scratch. This “Batmobile” is just completed. 30 years ago he actually starred in the film Tim Burton’s “Batman.” Although he was not in the lead role.
“The original is now in the Museum. Two cars-doubles were for sale. One of them I bought,” says Guzowski.
Now the machine has already invested 200 thousand euros. In Ukraine, it will not. Gazowsky says he already found a buyer from Egypt, and as soon as the car will finish, she will go to Africa.
Dmitry Svyatenko
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