Medvedchuk called the situation of stone “provocation of the Americans”

Medvedchuk called the situation of stone “provocation of the Americans”
Yesterday, 23:44
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The politician considers himself pure before the fate of the poet.
The leader of “Ukrainian choice” and godfather of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin Victor Medvedchuk called a “provocation on the part of Americans” the situation with the film about the Ukrainian poet and dissident Vasyl Stus.
About it he declared in interview to TV channel “112 Ukraine”.
“This provocation is one of the stages that make Americans today. We have proof of that. That is, they constantly provoke,” said the politician, adding that he is an enemy to Americans.
See also:
Journalists of the program “Schemes” established communication channel “112 Ukraine” with Medvedchuk
In the case of Stus in which Medvedchuk was a lawyer, politician declared that “performed official duty” and considers himself pure “to destiny and way of life” of the poet.
“I didn’t break the law, and numerous commissions from the legal profession in the years of independence of Ukraine has established my innocence, I was right as a lawyer… in Front of colleagues I clean. Before fate and life by Stus I’m clean, everything I could, I did. If he hadn’t fought with the Soviet authorities, he would not have been a fighter for the independence of Ukraine “, – said Medvedchuk.
Video settings film about Vasile stone will return to the court scene where the lawyer poet was Medvedchuk
A film about the famous Ukrainian poet and dissident Vasyl Stus “Bird of the soul” before the release hits record scandal. Broke out, because from the set leaked the information – the scene of the trial of Stus decided not to shoot, not to remind the far 1980 to protect the poet’s appointed lawyer Victor Medvedchuk. At trial, Medvedchuk is find Stus justification, acted for the prosecution.
TSN. 19:30
13 Aug, 21:31
Recall that the actor and TV presenter Gennady Popenko wrote a post on Facebook that from the movie “Stus” was removed from the scene with a young lawyer Viktor Medvedchuk, because “the producers got a call from the administration Medvedchuk”. The film directed by Roman Brovko says that he removed the scene at the request of the poet’s son Dmytro Stus.
Actor and presenter of channel UA:First Gennady Popenko auditioned for one of the roles in the movie “Stus”. During the casting he read the script of the film there was a scene of the last judgment on the poet, where the lawyer Victor Medvedchuk admits his client is guilty. The role is basically not taken. When Facebook he found out that judgment in the film is no more, he got in touch with the actors and tried to find out more.
According to him, the actor for the role of a young lawyer Medvedchuk was selected and “ready to shoot”. Referring to the words “participants in the shooting process” Popenko writes that “the producers got a call from the administration Medvedchuk” and said that if they want to finish the painting, the scene the court should be removed.
Vasyl Stus was a Ukrainian poet and dissident, who in 1980 the Kiev city court sentenced to ten years imprisonment and five years exile. The term Stus was serving in the colony in the Perm region, where he died in 1985. During the court meeting, defended his lawyer Viktor Medvedchuk, who at the time of trial was 26 years old. Stus requested the withdrawal of Medvedchuk, but the court is not allowed to do it. Medvedchuk acknowledged the guilt of his client and asked the court to consider mitigating circumstances. This scene had to be included.
Photo gallery
Paint a portrait of Stus: activists picket the office of godfather Putin Medvedchuk (8 photos)
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