For the first two weeks of the Bicycle in the Kiev had used more than 4 thousand times

For the first two weeks of the Bicycle in the Kiev had used more than 4 thousand times
© Dnia
Today, 04:07
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The organizers say that the percentage of vandalism in the Ukrainian capital is much less than in London.
Five bicycles stolen, smashed six: this is the result of nearly two weeks of work on the bike in Kiev. However, the organizers of the bike note that the percentage of vandalism in the Ukrainian capital is lower than in London, according to a story TSN.19.30.
Videosa two weeks on the bike in Kiev stole 5 bikes
Five bicycles were stolen, broke six – this is the result of nearly two weeks of work on the bike in Kiev. The first case of vandalism occurred the day after the start of the rental. Near the metro station a group of drunken teenagers they just scattered. The last case was yesterday, the bike dragged on the road, and that locked the wheels were spinning, polamalu spokes.
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:26
The first case of flowanalysis happened the next day after the start of the rental. Near the metro station a group of drunken teenagers they just scattered. The last case was yesterday, the bike was dragged along the road and locked the wheels spun, broke spokes. In just two weeks of work, in addition to theft, damaged six more bikes, the amount collected on the weeds and no one believed. However, “the percentage of the vandalism and thefts is much smaller than in the UK,” says Director of the network of Bicycle Alex Kushka.
Most cases of vandalism are recorded on troyeschina is a large residential district of the capital. At the same time, there are responsible users who just to inform you that with the bike something is wrong.
See also:
In my own experience. In Kiev is the first public NextBike bike rental
In winter, the off season, rental company will bring the first results of work with orphaned bikes. To curtail the activities do not plan, because the demand is there – for two weeks of work on the bike bikes have traveled more than 4 thousand times. But the CCTV cameras at each station can still supply.
The correspondent TSN Inna Bodnar
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