The competition Commission RRT destroyed the polygraph results. The Director denied the appointment of the 27 winners at the position

The competition Commission RRT destroyed the polygraph results. The Director denied the appointment of the 27 winners at the position
Today, 10:52
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He said that the competition Commission returns all the views relative to the selected candidates.
The Director of the State Bureau of investigation , the novel Pipe rejected the competition Committee’s decision on the appointment of 27 people in management positions that body.
He said this during a briefing today, August 28.
“As you are aware, the appointment to senior positions in the State Bureau of investigation by the external Commission – a Commission formed of representatives of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the government and the President. The Commission within its powers, conduct the competition and recommends them. The Director (in consultation with his deputies) decide on the appointment or refusal to appoint,” explained Pipe.
18 July, the Commission announced the winners of the competition for 27 managerial posts (heads of territorial administrations and structural subdivisions of the Central apparatus, the positions of the employees of internal control), he recalled.
“The external Commission was obliged to transmit to the Director the documents including the results of psychophysiological study. The results of polygraphs are attached to the materials, which are materials for preparation and adoption of personnel decisions […] incomprehensible to me and to many experts the reasons for the Commission at the meeting on 18 July, takes a strange, illogical and illegal decision to destroy the results of the polygraph. Three times I appealed to the appearance Commission to provide me with the polygraph results, the act of destruction of these results. I was denied the provision of any materials,”- said the Director of the RRT.
He said that the competition Commission returns all the views relative to the selected candidates.
“I took the decision to refuse the competition Commission in considering the appointment of 27 people in management positions. I want to thank all the candidates, especially those who won in this contest. May 27 – professional. Suspicions could be dismissed when the Director received the polygraph results. The competition Commission gave me the opportunity to do it and learn about it. […] I return all submissions to the competition Commission,” said Pipe.
He added that he will appoint candidates for positions of Deputy heads of territorial GBR and acting heads of departments of the Central office.
Pipe said that ongoing internal competition for the appointment of investigators – from 1500 applicants should choose 450.
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